Implantes mamarios: ¿una causa de linfoma?

…breast lymphomas were identified. These women’s records were reviewed to determine if they had ipsilateral (same side as the lymphoma) breast implants. ALCL was identified in 47 women with implants….

Consentimiento informado

…patient and their medical conditions, considering treatment options and discussing potential benefits, risks and possible complications of a specific treatment. Permission is documented in a written informed consent signed by…

Obesidad y Cáncer de Mama

…The cancer subtype most commonly found in obese patients is ER (estrogen receptor), PR (progesterone receptor) positive breast cancer. This observation is not consistently seen in women who still have…

Tatuajes, piercings y rellenos

W and Fornasier Can J Plast Surg. 2009 Autumn; 17(3):89-96. When it comes to your breast, think about your ink and know before you go… or pierce or fill….

Navegando por el Servicio de Salud Indígena

…including breast biopsies and treatment for benign (non-cancerous) and cancer-related breast problems. You can find more information about the Indian Health Service, including IHS facilities near you, on the Indian…

Un método prometedor para erradicar el cáncer de mama

…23:2438-2445 Cryoablation therapy is the freezing of tumors by placing a thin probe through the skin into the tumor using image guidance. It is regularly used for hepatic (liver)…

Cálculo de riesgo de cáncer de seno

…long. The number of breast biopsies you have had, and the results of the biopsies (specifically if any showed atypia or lobular carcinoma in-situ). If you are found to be…