A Plant-Based Substance Shows Potential Against Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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In a model of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), luteolin limited cell growth and promoted cell death.
Luteolin Inhibits Lung Metastasis, Cell Migration, and Viability of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
Authors: Cook, M. et. al.
Source: Dove Medical Press, doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S124860
Luteolin is a compound present in many foods, including celery, broccoli, green peppers, peppermint and oranges. There are a few studies examining its effects against cancer.
Currently, Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) does not have targets for therapy. Specific treatment for this type of breast cancer is limited to standard chemotherapy. In this study, investigators examined the effects of luteolin on TNBC.
TNBC cells were collected, grown in culture media and then exposed to luteolin. Those cells showed inhibited migration and viability, as well as increased apoptosis (cell death). Furthermore, these cells produced lower levels of VEGF, a factor that allows cancer cells to metastasize.
Separately, mice were inoculated with these TNBC cells and given injections of luteolin. These animals had lower levels of lung metastases compared to the mice that were not fed the compound.
This study strongly suggests that luteolin reaches a target on TNBC cells that limits their viability and metastatic potential. Further research is needed to understand the effects and, possibly, create TNBC-specific treatment.